Well, there is some news with this recipe. The corn bread came out nicely. The key dry ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup corn flour, 1 pinch red pepper, 1 pinch garam masala, 1 pinch sea salt, 1 tsp baking powder. Wet ingredients: 1/2 cup cooked corn kernels, 1 cup 2% milk, 1 tbspn cold pressed olive oil, 1 tbspn CA honey from the farmer's market and 2 eggs. Great with a dipping sauce and probably would be nice with a curry.
Lisa bought me a copy of Alejandro Junger's Clean this week and reading through it; it looks like many of the ingredients contained in this recipe, at least for me cause inflamation - eggs and dairy and potentially the corn. Clean is a wonderful way to detox, without the dangers of a water only, or water/maple syrup/pepper, or liquid only process. The book takes the reader through the types of items that cause inflamation, irritation, etc. to our systems, how to go through a temporary process of restarting/rejuvinating our bodies, and then offering sensible/non-extreme views as to what one might do going forward. We'll write some more about this and the advantages of the Clean method over other methods. Without a formal immersion yet, I am pretty convinced it works based on what I've seen with Lisa and my own very limited recent experience. About a week and half ago I cut out eggs, and particularly egg whites - which I had been consuming like they were going out of style, on a hunch from Lisa that they were causing this odd red spot on my neck. According to my doctor I don't have an allergy to them but, ... eliminating them from my diet cleared up the rash thing quickly. Even a small taste of the corn muffins brought it back slightly. So no more corn muffins of this ilk for me. If you don't have an issue with corn or any of the other ingredients you'll love them.